Just as a test would you mind disabling all the non-toolset plugins and try again. I also noticed that the shop page is behaving quite strange as there are no items there either. hidden link
I deactivated all plugins accept Toolset and Woocommerce. It still seems to be happening. The shop page was acting weird because I had created a redirect. I removed that as well.
Ok, I installed and activated it. Now it loads. The reason I wanted to avoid installing the genesis layouts integration is because now on any archive page the header and footer vanish. I wanted to use the theme's menu and footer. I have use the Toolset layouts. But from my experience the style doesn't match.
So ideally I would like to use Toolset without the genesis layouts integration so I can use the themes default footer and header site wide.
So in order to use Layouts with Genesis, you will need to use the integration plugin, if Layouts is used without it then integration issues will occur.
Why not create your pages using Content templates from Views if your intention is to Not utilize Layouts.
I'm assuming this will ease some of these issues that you are currently experiencing.
From it seems that this Archive here is being used alongside a layout. hidden link
So thats why its not being used for the current archive while layouts is disabled. What you can try doing is to recreate that Custom Archive and assign it to your resource archive and see if that helps.