As you've mentioned that I shouldn't make any changes to the live site, i'm not seeing the edit link added to the backend. hidden link
Can you perhaps add it and then allow me to check what happens? From there I will check and if I see anything incorrect I will let you know before I do anything.
If you go to the back-end of the page just above the button "voorkeuren verwijderen" (grid) there is a fields and text containing the html code (if you switch to html).
So based on your instructions i've checked on this a bit further. The reason why the edit link isn't showing up is because the edit form is for a different post type that you're using the link for.
You edit form is for editing the Voorkeuren CPT which means unless you place the edit link shortcode on a Voorkeuren post type the link won't show up.
In order for the link to show up on this page you will need to create an edit page form.
Apparently you didn't get my question. There is an edit voorkeuren post form ("voorkeuren aanpassen"): hidden link. The question is: what html code should I use to get it properly displayed (instead of the html code above)?
That's correct there is an Edit Post Form on the page, however the Edit Form link below wont produce a result because of what I explained earlier. This is for linking to the Voorkeuren CPT, however you are adding the edit form link to the Page post type which wont work.
<h4 style="text-align: right;">[toolset-edit-post-link content_template_slug='template-that-contains-the-Edit-Voorkeuren-form' target='self']Voorkeuren aanpassen[/toolset-edit-post-link]</h4> wont p
If you add this to the template of a Voorkeuren Post Type then it will produce a result on that page, however on the Page post type it wont produce any output at all.
I hope this explains in a bit more details the issue at hand.
You will need to create an Edit form for the Pages post type then using the field and views block add the edit link to the page using the forms button on the fields and views block.
However this is assuming that it is the current page that you are on you want to edit. If it is a Post from the Voorkeuren post type then it work from here.
So creating an edit form and adding the link will allow you to edit this page. hidden link
So to recap
1. Create an Edit form for the Page post type.
2. Add that edit form to a content template that you will create.
3. Go to the hidden link page and using the fields and views block click the Toolset forms button and add the edit link ensuring that you've selected the correct content template where you've added the edit form for the page.
Please let me know if i've misinterpreted this or if you're unclear of the instructions.
The edit form for the page hidden link is already there. It is called 'voorkeuren aanpassen'. The content template is also there. It is called 'Template that contains the Edit Voorkeuren form'.
I then added a fields and text to the page hidden link above 'voorkeuren verwijderen' and inserted the below html code:
The edit form for the current page has NOT been created. See My Screenshots.
If you're not using this form anywhere else then you can change the post type that it edits to Page and it should work. Otherwise you will need to create a new form to edit page as per my previous instructions.
Please let me know if the screenshots provided any clarity on the issue because nothing is wrong with the code, its the context in which you are using the code, where the form the post type and the form do not match up.
If after doing this and it still doesn't show up then we are looking at a different issue all together. Given that this is a live site I defer from making the changes myself.