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Hello I'm trying to develop a blog listing template like the one in attachment.
But I'm wondering the best way to achieve this? I was planning to use toolset layout but now that I've discovered toolset blocks I hesitate.
My template is a blog list but divided into different sections :
first post = lastest post = 1 column // next to it, I have a listing of the most popolar posts = 1 column
Currently I would recommend that you make the use of our toolset blocks plugin with the block editor.
You will essentially be able to achieve similar or the same layouts using our Blocks plugin vs Layouts. Layouts is currently going through a maintenance process .
You are able to achieve the following with our Blocks plugin
ROW 3 = 2 columns
2 featured posts (based on taxonomy)
ROW 4 = 3 columns
all the posts (with offset 4 posts)
All you need to do is create the view that lists 3 of your latest posts. Another view that lists your featured posts based on the taxonomy and then finally a view that lists all your posts.
Essentially all this is possible.
1. Is it possible to build archive template with blocks?
Yes it is possible to build archive templates with blocks.