I'm looking to add a confirmation checkbox to the add and update forms on this site, along the lines of "I confirm that the details I am submitting are accurate and am happy for them to be shared with xyz". The user has to check this box in order to be able to submit the form.
I don't need this value stored as such, so don't think it would be a custom field (otherwise I presume the value stored when the ADD would then be retrieved when they EDIT and those should really be two separate confirmations) so would i just need to add a checkbox into the form manually then add some scripting to prevent the form being submitted unless it's checked?
Sorry, only just noticed that this doesn't seem to quite work in that when I set it as required even when I check the box the form won't submit as it says this field is required? Have I missed something? My code is:
[cred_generic_field type='checkbox' field='gdpr-confirmation']
"label":"I confirm I am happy for the details provided above to be shared with all broker members of the site."