Something weird is happening with the display of one of my views. It used to work fine and I'm not sure what happened.
The second row of the display obscures the first. The consecutive rows are fine. If you change a filter (e.g. select European Exchanges), everything displays fine. If you change the filter back to neutral, it also displays fine. But when you first load the page, it doesn't! I'm really confused - do you know what's happening there?
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I was just looking at your site now, and I'm not sure what the problem is, I can't really see much difference in the initial page load vs. an update after choosing a filter.
Can you take a screenshot and point out what it is that's wrong?
Sorry, I had a busy morning, and returning to this now it looks like you may have fixed it already?
The first row of results looks the same as the other rows.
I suspect it was to do with the masonry solution you are employing, when I checked earlier it appeared to be miscalculating the height of the first row.
No, it definitely still displays wrong on my end. I now also have another view for blog posts which also displays wrong, but in a different way. hidden link
I think you're right that it's the masonry, but I can't see why it should work fine when the View filters are applied, but not when they're not applied! I would be most obliged for any help or explanation!