I am getting warning messages in the dashboard of this web site. I tried deleting all toolset plugins and just adding Types but still get the warnings.
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/netgrrl4/public_html/markets/wp-content/plugins/types/vendor/toolset/types/embedded/includes/wpml.php on line 650
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/netgrrl4/public_html/markets/wp-content/plugins/types/vendor/toolset/types/embedded/includes/wpml.php on line 667
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/netgrrl4/public_html/markets/wp-content/plugins/types/vendor/toolset/types/embedded/includes/wpml.php:650) in /home/netgrrl4/public_html/markets/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 1198
When I clicked on 'Add New post Type' I got this error:
Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/netgrrl4/public_html/markets/wp-content/plugins/types/vendor/toolset/types/includes/classes/class.types.admin.fields.php on line 664
The "continue" warning is known, it came up with PHP 7.3 and the next version of Types should include a fix.
I'm not sure if the headers already sent warning is just a side-effect of the same.
Is anything functionally broken?
A Types update is preparing to go into testing soon (although there is something of a backlog there), but hopefully it won't be too long before this release.
Can you test again when the new version of Types is released to see if both sets of warnings are resolved?