Hi there
I have three Custom fields which are basically dropdown fields for only one purpose. I have actually a list of more than 40 Dropdown values which should be filtered based on the selection of a radio custom field. So in Radio field there are three options and based on each option selection, This dropdown field values should be filtered and display only required values in the dropdown, But for this specific functionality, I tried to make it work using Javascript but thats not working good enough, So I want to add three different custom dropdown fields with condition to be displayed as per the selection on the previous Radio field. But Now the problem is that, I want to store the value of any of these three dropdown fields to a default custom field. Its like a Variable which will be automatically updated based on the value on any of these three fields
I have copied a code from your Support forum but thats not working.
building-property-type is the main field where I want to save the data from any of the above custom fields 1: wpcf-build_resident 2: wpcf-build-commerce 3: wpcf-build-land
Can you please guide me how to store data of these fields to the above custom field
This functionality should work on the backend. In the frontend, I will display these three custom fields as per the conditional input. For example, If someone selects Residential in the Radio Field then I will display Dropdown "wpcf-build_resident" dropdown field. And the selected value will automatically get updated on building-property-type custom field. And then the value of building-property-type will be displayed in post page.
I am a bit confused with the comment over here in the function, As it says that this function makes the post in default category private. So I don't understand what does it mean.
And for your information, This function will only be applicable on a custom post type "property " and these custom fields are attached to this custom post type. and if this function will make private to all the posts then I don't need to implement this function. So Please explain what does it mean.
Hey Guys, I appreciate your help but this code you sent again is not working. Can you show me where to add them, In the Function.php or Toolset functions area?
And Can you confirm if "building-property-type" field should a normal text field instead of a select field? Because for now its a select field with a full list of option values that are divided into three 3 conditional dropdowns.
Please watch this video to understand exact problem. hidden link