I need your help to assign a custom solution for custom post expiration. I am not basically using toolset's Post form to submit new posts and that's why the automatic post expiration is not available in my third party posts listing plugin. So I basically want your help to automatically assign a date after 30days from "post_modified" or "post_date". For now, If I want to enable post-expiration then, I need to edit that post and enable post expiration and select future expiry date. But I want to do it automatically to avoid post editing every time.
So I want your help to assign a custom function that can set an automatic date as expiry and enable that post expiry feature in each post by default.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
The thing is that Automatic post expiration is activated from the Toolset form.
You will not be able to see the Post expiration setting when you edit the form until and unless you have created a post form using Toolset form and activated and set the automatic post expiration settings for that form which is set to create/edit your any of post type.
For example, please check the following screenshot, the form is created to add new products for post type Product where the post-expiration settings are activated: hidden link
If you do not create a post form using Toolset form and do not activate the post-expiration settings then you will not be able to see the post-expiration settings when you edit the post in the backend (admin).