Hi, do you want these Members to edit their posts in wp-admin, or do you want these Members to edit their posts on the front-end of the site using Toolset Forms?
Since I have used Oxygen Builder to build the single template for the “Attendees” custom post type I think is better to use the WordPress backend? Not sure if Toolset Forms can edit a single template built in Oxygen?
Regardless of whether you let them edit in wp-admin or in Toolset Forms, the idea is your Users would not edit the Oxygen template. They would edit the Attendee post. For example, they could edit the Attendee post title, the taxonomy terms, the custom fields for the Attendee post, and so on, using an edit post Form. The template you created in Oxygen will remain unchanged and will continue to be applied to the post. It's completely separate from the post content. You can use Types and Views shortcodes in your Oxygen template to display information about the post, like the post title or a custom field value.
After you create your edit post Toolset Form, then you can enable specific Form permissions per User role in Toolset > Access Control > Toolset Forms. One of those permissions is "Edit Own".
Well, what I want is that when the custom post type is created by an user filling a gravity form, that is connect3d with a custom post type, I want to use Toolset Forms to create an "edit existing content" form where the attendees will be able to edit ONLY their own post type entry.
So if Bill submit a gravity form that feed a Type post type "Attendees" I want that Bill will be able to edit only his own post.
How can I achieve that? I assume we need an user logged in? Can this be possible editing the entry without forcing the user to login? Sorry but I am not very expert about permissions and Toolset Forms.
Noticed the new drag and drop for builder which looks great.
I take the chance to also mention that I am having an issue when I try to update Toolset Views see error I get:
The package could not be installed. (PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature)
Also you will need to set the permission for the CPT in Access so that the role that the user has can only edit their own.
Secondly for the issue with the update what you can try doing is going to Plugins -> Add New -> Commercial and then click on "Check for Updates" then try updating the plugins after.