I am trying to:
Display the closest result based of geolocation (see attached screenshot). When all results are returned the ordering is correct based off my location. I want to be able to return the closest store based off the users location.
I expected to see:
Recline Furniture Morayfield (when result limit is set to 1)
Instead, I got:
Recline Furniture Castle Hill (see attached screenshot)
When I want to limit the results to 1 (to display just the closest store) the result is incorrect.
Is this unexpected behaviour due to the post limit query happening prior to the geocode lookup? Is there any way just to return the closest store without having to write my own custom jQuery?
The issue has been identified and will be fixed in the next release. That's due in a couple of weeks. The developer said the nature of the fix made it difficult to extract into a patch, so we won't have an update before then I'm afraid.