Since the last update, when I activate Toolset Views, all standard pages (login, registration...) of the Indeed Ultimate Affiliate Pro plugin are blank.
Any workaround I can use? I really need both plugin to be active.
Hello, are you referring to wp-admin pages or front-end pages? I'm not familiar with that plugin but I'll check if you can provide a copy for me to test with. My compatibility team does not have that specific one in our library of test plugins, so I don't have access to it here.
You can upload a zip to Drive or Dropbox and share a download link here. All URLs you share in the forum are hidden from public view for your security.
Sure! Thanks for your help
All front-end default pages of the plugin, containing the shortcodes for login, registration etc., are blank
hidden link
Okay I'll set up a quick test and let you know what I find out. While I'm doing that, can you confirm these pages have no Content Template assigned in the page editor screen? If you explicitly choose "None" for the Content Template, is the problem resolved?
Content templates are already set to None, but the pages are blank in front-end
hidden link
Thanks for the additional information. In my local environment, I am able to see the Affiliate Login form at /affiliate-login when I have Types and Views active and I am logged out. Screenshot attached here. There must be something else going on.
- If you activate a default theme like Twenty Twenty One and deactivate all plugins except Views (and Types, if it is currently active on the site) and Indeed Ultimate Affiliate Pro, is the problem resolved?
- Please provide your site's debug information so I can take a look at some of your configurations. Instructions for debug information here:
- Are there any server-side errors that indicate a problem on the backend? If you are not familiar with server logs I can show you how to activate one temporarily. In a standard wp-config.php file, look for
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
Change it to:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
Then add these lines, just after the WP_DEBUG line:
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', dirname(__FILE__) . '/error_log.txt');
define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
@ini_set( 'display_errors', 0 );
Reload the login page on the front-end of the site. If any server-side errors are triggered during this process, it will create an error_log.txt file in your site's root directory. Use FTP to look for this file in the same directory as wp-config.php. You may need to click "Refresh" in your FTP browser to see a new file appear. Please download this file to your computer, open it in any text editing software, and send me its contents. Once that is done, you can revert the changes you made to wp-config.php and delete the log file using FTP.
I was already testing with debug activated.
I took my chance and shortly deactivated all plugins (site is live), and came to the same conclusion.
It seems to be a "collateral" problem between Toolset Views, Ultimate Affiliate and Brizy.
When I activate Views I get this error
hidden link
... and here the errors log
hidden link
Removed some Brizy's global modules and now it works again.
I still haven't found exactly the problem, but it seems some kind of incompatibility between Toolset's templates and Brizy's global modules.
As soon as I find exactly what it is I will open a new ticket.
Thanks a lot again for your time and help.
Okay thanks for the update, hopefully we can resolve the conflict in another ticket.