Hello, I embedded a Youtube video with a simple link. When in Chrome I press the full screen button on that video, the video does not go full screen. Instead my whole browser goes full screen (as if I pressed F11) but not the video.
However, when I turn-off Views Plugin everything works fine.
When Views is turned on in Explorer or Firefox, full screen works just fine. Any help would be appreciated.
I did not change anything. There is a word "test" in the content and there is a video embeded under it. Did you notice that a password 'Toolset' is required to see the whole page?
To be clear:
The page (post) itself is created without Divi Bulder, but the page (post) template created with Toolset Views uses Divi Builder, As I mentioned at the beginning - when Toolset Plugin Views is turned off, everything works fine.
I am sorry really sorry, but I am affraid I do not understand what do you exactly ask me to do.
I have already testet:
Without Toolset Views - default WordPress editor - everything works fine.
Without Toolset Views - Divi Builder - - everything works fine.
Toolset Views Template - here is the problem,
I knew it before I opened the ticket.
The goal is - to have the page template as I created it using Views + Divi Builder and avoid any issue with the video. Without it Views is useless.
Could you be so kind and delete the link? It cannot be shared in public.