Looking at your site I see the View in question on that page is "Search Shops by Region".
It looks like that was last edited 7 Aug, I'm not sure when the problem started.
Anyway, it appears that it is not working because of this Query Filter:
"Shop Types the same as the page where this View is shown".
The page "Shops" where the View is inserted doesn't have any "Shop Types" term assigned (I don't think the taxonomy is available to pages), so that Query Filter doesn't seem to make much sense.
Having done that it still isn't returning any results.
I activated the debug mode for Views (at Toolset > Settings > Front end content) to examine the queries, which look normal, and the query results show several shop posts being returned by the SQL query that interrogates the database ("Wool Worth", "Willow", "Wicked Fireworks", etc.).
But these results are not available to Views to output.
It looks like some code may be running which uses the wpv_filter_view_post_process hook to manipulate the results.
Indeed, when I check the functions.php file I see you have code to not display any results until a search term is applied, which explains why I don't initially see the expected shop posts.
And once I select a region the page updates with shop results, so it looks like this is now working as expected?
If you have inserted a filter for the wrong field you would need to delete it, then insert the correct one.
So, go down to the Search and Pagination editor of the View and locate the markup and shortcodes for that taxonomy filter and delete them. Then use the New Filter button to insert a filter for the intended taxonomy.