I am trying to: Search by zip code or city, however these are custom fields on a different post type than what I am trying to display and filter. These fields are given to the post type I want to filter via post relationship.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: No matter what is searched, the entire card should display all of the data as seen when using the name and specialty search fields.
Instead, I got: No results found for the zip code or city. When using the content selection, if I select facilities and then use the search, the correct data populates the city and zip fields, but the other data isn't displayed.
Hi, a View of some post type can only be searched or filtered by fields associated with that post type. If you'd like to have the ability to search and filter by related post information, I encourage you to submit your request over here: https://toolset.com/home/contact-us/suggest-a-new-feature-for-toolset/
Right now, it's not possible. Instead, you can create a View that is filtered appropriately using fields that are associated with the Content Selection post type. Then it's possible to display information about related posts in the View's results. For example, if the View's Content Selection is some child post type, and you want to display the post title of the related parent post in the View's results, you would use the Fields and Views button to insert the post title shortcode. In the popup, there is a tab "Post Selection" where you can choose which post's title you want to display. This is probably the best solution right now, short of copying information between posts.