I have created a post form with a field that gets the value of the current post, which works just fine.
the issue is when the value has a Quotation mark ( " ), then the value of that field will be empty.
[cred_field field='general-company-name' value="[types field='general-company-name'][/types]" urlparam='' class='form-control' output='bootstrap']
I have tried also to output a raw format but this didnt help like following
[cred_field field='general-company-name' value="[types field='general-company-name' output='raw'][/types]" urlparam='' class='form-control' output='bootstrap']
it will work if the value like following : Example Complany Ltd
it will not work if the value like following: Example Complany Lt"d
I can confirm this, however, this is not something possible to set up with the GUI, you both need to add the value manually and as well produce the ShortCode manually.
I am not sure this is intended to even work, as for some reason the Types and Views button is not on forms.
However, it works without apostrophes, hence I reported this as it probably is due to an over-escaping.
As solution, use
[cred_field field="field" force_type="field" class="form-control" output="bootstrap" value='[types field="single-line"][/types]']
instead of:
[cred_field field="fdsafasfa" force_type="field" class="form-control" output="bootstrap" value="[types field='singlke-line'][/types]"]
Check the apostrophes in the above solution, I inverted them so to avoid the HTML closing the code too early.
Inverting the apostrophes has solved the issue for ( " ). but for sure if the value contains ( ' ) the issue will remain.
My issue is resolved now. Thank you Beda.