Going to a different page and going to a different location in a loop is something different.
Targetting a specific item in a loop of views (pagination item) should be possible.
Since a paginated View adds parameters to the URL, ?wpv_view_count=73-TCPID75&wpv_paged=2, you can link to those page with the View, from the archive, passing an URL parameter, that satisfies the above Views one for pagination.
In your archive, you likely show the posts as they will be paginated, so the first item in the archive's loop, will be without pagination attributes, but just leading to the page with the view, paginated by one (It always will show the first in the loop).
Then, the second item in the archive loop needs to lead to the same page but with ?wpv_view_count=73-TCPID75&wpv_paged=1 added.
So for that, you can add some custom code to count the view's loops (current) iteration as explained here.
Then, in the Archive View, you would create the link to the page where you paginate the posts, by adding something like this to the loop:
<a href="[wpv-bloginfo show='url']/page_with_view/?wpv_view_count=73-TCPID75&wpv_paged=[tssnippet-loop-iteration]">Link to single</a>
The value of wpv_view_count is taken from the HTML where the paginated View is inserted, see screeshot.
The rest is dynamically created and will always lead to the "Paginated" item as according to how it is output in the Archive Loop.
This link can be added to any image, of course, or text string.
Hence, hidden link, which is the archive, is where you use that above link.
Then, on any page, you insert the View that you have already which is currently here:
hidden link
It would let you achieve the described goal.
Please let me know if this helps and/or you need further details