I have created a view with a custom shortcode parameter that applies a filter, so that I can use the same view for two different advert types [wpv-view name="advert-tabular" adtype="926"] or [wpv-view name="advert-tabular" adtype="925"].
I now wish to use the custom parameter adtype to adjust the view depending on whether it's 925 or 926.
e.g. [wpv-conditional if="( <<custom parameter adtype>>) eq '926' )"] My output [/wpv-conditional]
Is this possible?
I probably should explain a little further. Of course, within the loop I can access the individual post's ad type and check that, but I also wish to adjust elements outside the loop (in this case, column titles) - at this point, there is no ad to reference, so I think I need to reference the custom shortcode parameter somehow...