A quick update, I have some test results from production and staging environments.
--------- Production tests -----------
First test on existing Artist, Hebrew selected in admin bar:
- I'm logged in as Toolset, and I edit this draft Artist: hidden link
- I'm able to remove, modify, and add a new featured image successfully
Second test on new Artist, Hebrew selected in admin bar:
- Created new draft here: hidden link
- I'm able to add, modify, remove, re-add a featured image successfully
Third test on existing Artist, English selected in admin bar:
hidden link
- Unable to remove existing featured image, error 403 appears: hidden link, with payload: post_id=54510&thumbnail_id=-1&_wpnonce=2d3beb9d2c&action=get-post-thumbnail-html
Fourth test on new Artist, English selected in admin bar:
- Able to upload image to Media Library, but then it does not show up in the Artist editor screen.
- Error 403 appears on admin-ajax.php, with payload:
So I can confirm some issues with 403 errors in production. Since I can't disable plugins or activate other themes here, I continued in staging.
----------- Staging tests ------------
Existing Artist, Hebrew selected in admin bar:
- Images are 404 as we have already discussed, but the Featured image management part is working as expected. Even though the images are 404, the correct URLs are shown for the selected images
New Artist, Hebrew selected in admin bar:
- Images are 404 but featured image management is working as expected.
Existing Artist, English selected in admin bar:
- Unable to remove featured image. Error 403
New Artist, English selected in admin bar:
- Able to select existing featured image from library
- Unable to remove featured image. Error 403
Deactivate Access, New Artist, English in admin bar:
- Able to select existing featured image from library
- Unable to remove featured image, Error 403
Deactivate Access Edit the same artist I just created:
- Able to upload new featured image to library
- Unable to insert it as featured image in artist post editor
Deactivate Access, New Artist, before clicking Save Draft:
- Able to select existing image from library
- Save Draft
- Unable to remove featured image, error 403.
That last two tests show that even with Access disabled, Error 403 will be returned for the admin-ajax.php file in some cases. It also appears that the problems only occur when English is selected as the language. So the problem does not appear to be Access, or at least not only Access.
The next step is for me to try to reproduce this on my local clone, so we can eliminate server configuration differences as a source of conflict. I will use SFTP to download the additional plugins in use on staging, so I can install them locally. That will take a while. Standby, I will update you after I have run those tests locally.