I am trying to: Several users are trying to edit their custom posts (see screenshot -- they are Contributors and the CPT is MSWL Post). They cannot, it only says View on their screen. However, through a test account, I am able to add a new post. Once it publishes, it reverts to view only.
See permissions screenshot for Access definitions for the CPT as well as the private group. I am running Access 2.8.3, Types 3.3.9, and View 3.0.2.
I suspect the problem here is that the author of the post is being changed when its published.
How wordpress works is that it automatically assigns the user who publishes the post as the author of that post.
The fix is to allow the user themselves to publish the post, however i suspect that this is not what you would want.
You can however work around this by manually setting the author information with some custom code but you will need a way to determine who originally created the post itself.
I recently upgraded Access from a previous version to the current. Before then, there were no issues with Contributer users handling their own edits. The version I was running was about 1.5 years old (can't find the version number). Were there any fundamental updates that might have created this issue?
Given that your previous version of access was over a year old and wordpress has been through quite a number of updates during that period. I wouldn't limit this to access being the issue.
However I do know that for wordpress the user who publishes the post becomes the author.
Does any of the posts show up when you log in as the contributor ?
Would you mind allowing me to have admin access to the site as well as a contributor account for testing purposes?
I can actually verify if this suspected issue is actually the problem or not and we can take it from there.
The private fields will be enabled for your next response.
Thank you I was able to verify that this was NOT the issue where the author is being changed.
I've also tested this with a copy of version 2.2.2 of access and indeed the issue is as you say. This version allows the user to still edit their post.
With this information I've escalated the issue to our 2nd tier supporters for further debugging. I will provide any information on this as soon as possible.
So deactivate Types Access and add in User Role Editor?
Now that you know about this bug, will it be in your queue to address for a fix? And do you still need the admin profile I created or can I delete it? I'm happy to keep it for now ify ou're still using it to identify the bug.
Yes I would recommend deactivating the Access plugin before activating the User Role plugin.
"Now that you know about this bug, will it be in your queue to address for a fix? "
I will need to wait on the analysis report on the issue from our 2nd tier supporters. Once I get this I will know whether or not the ticket will be sent to our developers to resolve.
Right now we don't need admin access since i'm able to replicate the issue. I've also provided them with a copy of the site where the issue has been replicated.