Is it possible for an admin user while updating the content on a page, can select an alternate page template from the content form for the updated display?
Example, many of my clients are artists who want to feature an image on the homepage without having to scroll. In the case of a tall narrow image, square image or wide image, the template that best fits the image can be selected on the form while adding content.
Can something such as this be accomplished with Toolset?
hidden link
Yes, you can set default Content Templates or Template Layouts for each post type, and then select a different Content Template or Template Layout for any post in wp-admin if you want to override that default selection. See the attached screenshots.
To be clear, admins can select an alternate "Saved" template or create a new one from within the admin dashboard while creating a new post, correct?
In the case of making changes to the Home Page from the front -end. Can a registered user login to from the front-end > from a form select a different "Stored" template > replace the featured image > refresh the page?
To be clear, admins can select an alternate "Saved" template or create a new one from within the admin dashboard while creating a new post, correct?
Yes, that's correct.
Can a registered user login to from the front-end > from a form select a different "Stored" template > replace the featured image > refresh the page?
Replacing the featured image from the front-end is possible with CRED, but there is no option to modify the post's Content Template or Template Layout on the front-end. That would require custom code.
Thank you.
Is there a Toolset authorized developer that can provide the customization that is needed to achieve that front end functionality?
We have a contractor portal that allows clients and developers to connect on projects: