I have created a user form, where I able the the password to be autogenerated.
I want to send an email notification, with form data including the password, but I do not see a password field on the user data, after clicking on the fields & views.
Toolset follow the WordPress guidelines, and therefore, does not send the password via email for security reasons. If you want to include the password in an email, you can implement it with custom code, which is out from the scope of this support forum.
Note: the possible solution provided is to be used just as an informational one. Please remember that custom coding is out of the scope of our support, so we can't create, debug or modify code for you and it's your responsibility to maintain it. We hope the one we used as an example could point you in the right direction. Please check our support policy: https://toolset.com/toolset-support-policy/
Thanks for your understanding. If you need anything else don't hesitate to contact us.
Only the user who created the account will know it. Apart from that, and as per your initial request, it'll require a more customized solution.
At this point I'm afraid it would be beyond the scope of this support forum but we recommend that you check our contractors page: https://toolset.com/contractors/.