I have a CRED Form that I am using to allow Users to update their User Profile. The User Profile has several custom fields that are SELECT (Dropdown) fields... with simple YES/NO options.
I performed some tests it by logging in as the user and then changing the SELECT option from YES to NO (or vice versa) and submitting the update. It appears that it is working when looking at it as the user...
However, when I log in as an Administrator in a separate browser and view the user's profile, it seems that the SELECT fields are not being updated at all.
This is a select field that the user would update through a CRED form correct?
Also is it a generic field that was built in CRED ? or was it a field that was automatically added to the form when it was generated. This would happen if the field was already made in Types.
Finally you mentioned if you view the person's account as admin the field doesn't change but as the user of the account it appears updated.
Would it be possible for you to provide me with admin login to the site to perhaps check on this issue for you ?
Please let me know the form and the page where the form is being displayed.
This testing site only exists on my server. So, you will need to adjust your local PC "hosts" file to point towards our server in order to see the site and access the WordPress Admin.
This site has been 100% backed up and is only a test site. Feel free to make whatever changes you want on the site.
Go ahead and create a new user with the role of MEMBER (Active) or MEMBER (Expired) and then login on the front end and go here... hidden link
Then try to change/edit either of these SELECT fields...
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Once changed and updated, please see if the correspondiong changes were made in the admin area