I try to make a custom link using nested views.
Both views are taxonomy views and every shortcodes separate give a correct results.
But if I use nested shortcode of another view in link code, it doesent work becouse of double/single quotes.
<a href="<em><u>hidden link</u></em> name='city-slug']/" alt="[wpv-taxonomy-title] service in [wpv-view name='city-name'] ">[wpv-taxonomy-title]</a>
i.e. just by changing the attributes of the wpv-view shortcodes to use single quotes so that they don't prematurely close the surrounding double-quotes.
It doesn't work at all.
Your code looks weird href inside href and square bracket. closed at unexpected place.
But according what you wrote.
Even after I changed double quotes to single one in toolset shortcodes, and leave double quotes for html, still doesn't work.
The markup itself fixes the double-quotes problem, but then I don't know what your shortcodes are actually outputting to know what's finally printed on the page will work.
wpv-taxonomy-slug and wpv-taxonomy-title are unlikely to cause you any problems, it's likely to be the output of your View that is the problem.
What exactly does the wpv-view name='city-slug' View output?
Did you disable the wrapper div for the output of the View?