How can I use embedded images for image/gallery/image slider.
I can't select the images when I what to make a image/gallery/image slider, only if I upload the images as embedded and then change the type Field to image. But this doesn't seem right to me.
I am using an embedded custom field.
In the toolset edit content template of Properties is showing the Image Slider with the images correct but the stange thing is that it change the view page (hidden link) and not the Propertie page.
I am using the theme GeneratePress or could this be a setting?
The main problem here is that you're using the embedded field to provide the images.
When I also check the field that you're using it is the Product URL field which doesn't have an image.
Given that its also a repeatable field then you wont be able to use the image block to do this. Your best option here is to construct the image output manually using the Types shortcodes to trigger the output of your embedded fields.
Please let me know if you would like to proceed with this method.
It's not possible to use embedded field with the slug 'hoofd afbeelding' for one image.
And use embedded field with the slug 'meerdere afbeeldingen huisje' for a image slider?
Where do you want me to place the one with the 3 images?
Given that we're doing it like this the 3 images will just be displayed as is and not as a slider since the image slider field doesn't support the embedded fields to provide the information.
The fundamental issue here is that you're using the Image block to pull data from an embedded field. This won't work because they are different field types.
If you want the image block to display your images as a slider then you must use an image field.
The only workaround here is the solution i've provided in my previous post. Changing the field from a repeating field to individual fields won't solve this issue as the field type is still an embedded field.
I hope I was able to provide a bit more clarity on why this isn't possible.