Tell us what you are trying to do? Install the plugins. First time installation.
Is there any documentation that you are following? Initially Uploaded Type and Views (zip). Activated Types and inserted Key info. Then saw the Toolset Download page where multiple plugins could be selected to install. It was the page with the Release Notes and showed which plugins and their version was Installed. From that Download page, chose not to Activate there. After installed, went to Plugins page to Activate. Tried to Bulk Activate then that attached page appeared. It has now taken over my Plugins Installed page.
Is there a similar example that we can see? See attached image for the page that is now my Installed Plugins page.
Additionally on the debug screen was the following:
Delete leftover intermediary posts:
After deleting a large number of associations, there are some intermediary posts left. It was not possible to delete them at once. You can either delete them manually or ignore the issue, and they will be gradually removed automatically. This is only important if you use intermediary posts on the front-end directly, for example in a View.
Hello Shane and thank you.
So far, it seems to be the Forms (cred...) plugin that is causing the issue during activation. Even though it cannot activate (it shows the screenshot image attached in my original message in this ticket), once attempted, that page in the screenshot takes over the links in the WP Dashboard.
I downloaded all 5 plugins (type, views, access control, layouts, forms) then uploaded and activated one at a time. Forms was the last one.
If you want to see for yourself, go to FTP and un-rename (if there is such a word LOL) then go to my online WP website and try to activate it. Please do as soon as possible as I want to give out a link to my home page tomorrow (Thursday), then let me know please.
P.S. I will ask web host to check the php file logs. If they find something, I will come back and post here. If you don't see anything in say, the next hour, assume that they didn't find anything.
New info (changes) from web host to get the Forms plugin to work:
PHP version was reduced from 7.2 to 7.1
mbstring param was enabled... via cpanel >> select php version >> tick the check box mbstring.
mysqli was enabled from what prior??? for php 7.1 under select php version >> 7.1 >> the mysqli checkbox was ticked to enable. It was not ticked when it was showing the mysql extension error.
From my perspective and biggest takeaway, Forms does not work with PHP version7.2. I'm not sure what significance of using mysqli was (I believe prior it was Maria???). Mbstring had not been enabled. It is now.