I am trying to create/update a post using the REST API. I am testing this trought Posman App.
I managed to update custom fields of ACF but never managed to update a custom field of toolset.
Following example can update the field 'publisher' i have created with ACF
"title" : "post 1",
"fields": {
"publisher": "Some Name"
In the other hand i cant update the custom field 'toolset-field' i have created with toolset
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
"title" : "post 2",
"toolset-meta": {
"fields-group-for-books": {
"toolset-field": {
"raw": "New Value"
I can see the fields in the JSON but cant update the value.
Are Toolset custom fields able to be updated with REST API?
I have enabled the option in toolset to expose custom fields.
English (English )
Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Toolset offers the REST API integration by means of exposing the custom fields created using Types plugin to REST API. Please check the following Doc:
=> https://toolset.com/documentation/programmer-reference/toolset-integration-with-the-rest-api/
To post the custom field, the POST endpoint is required and that needs pure custom programming and that is beyond the scope of our support policy.
Still I have few articles to share with you which you can use as reference:
=> https://www.gavick.com/blog/adding-custom-fields-in-the-wordpress-rest-api
=> https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/wp-rest-api-creating-updating-and-deleting-data--cms-24883
If you want custom programming for your project, please feel free to contact our certified partners.
=> https://toolset.com/consultant/
Please check the following link that may help you:
=> https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/257628/wp-rest-api-rest-no-route-when-trying-to-update-meta/262088#262088
My issue is not resolved. Thank you for now!