Hello Team,
I want to create a toolset view for update gravity form entries, Please suggest to me any addon or hook or document link for it.
Waiting for your reply on the same.
Hello and thank you for contacting Toolset Support.
I am not very familiar with the Gravity Forms plugin and how does it save its data. If it saves the data in a custom post type, then it can be handled with Toolset. Keep in mind that a Toolset form can create or edit ONE post at a time.
This being said, I can see two options:
- Managing Gravity Forms custom fields using Toolset Types. You can add them from the Toolset Settings page, and the Toolset custom fields page. But that will work for simple fields(Single line, multiline, number, etc.). It would not work for all the fields because of the difference in how data is stored between Toolset and Gravity forms, especially for fields like the checkboxes field, date field, email, etc. Once the fields are managed with Toolset, you can add them to the form.
- Using Generic fields, and hooking into the form's hooks. Read more about them here https://toolset.com/documentation/programmer-reference/cred-api/#cred_save_data
I hope this answers your question, let me know if you have any further questions.