current versions:
Access Control - Version 2.6.1
Types - Version 3.2.5
(as a developer I've never used toolset, but have built complex functionalities with all of these features manually)
Current behavior (problem):
After an update of the Types and Access Control plugins on the clients website (Dabney Grinnan) the meta_boxes for custom fields on certain custom_post_types have disappeared from the edit view. This is occurring for all users except one. (this includes users with all different permissions, including admin permissions)
Expected behavior:
After the update of the plugins, the meta boxes should still be there in the custom post type edit screen.
Things checked:
- This doesn't seem to depend on the users role
- Page-Attributes on custom_post_type edit screen *do not* contain option to check for custom-fields, so the custom-fields option has not just been deselected.
- All the data associated with the custom-fields still exists, it seems like the fields are just not being rendered to the edit screen.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
In admin section, I don't know if a link can be provided for this.
I want to keep the ticket specifically about the Types issue since it occurred directly after the update, however I will mention that the client has experienced some long term issues with user roles.
If it is possible that these issues may play a role in the Types issue outlined above I am happy to elaborate in detail but otherwise the types issue is the concern at present since it occurred directly after the most recent plugin update.
I would like to inform you that we just published new version for Types and Access plugin which includes the hotfix to resolve the custom field metaboxes display issue.
Could you please update ALL Toolset plugins to it's latest official release version.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
For now, you should try to update the Types plugin manually.
=> Try to remove/delete the existing Toolset Types plugin
=> Download the latest Toolset Types plugins from your account's page:
=> Upload the latest downloaded Types plugin using plugins page from admin