I'd like to know if by making the Children custom post type available on the WordPress side-bar when a user logs on, and once they select the <italic>Add New</italic> link, will they be redirected to a page where the form with the custom fields is located ? Or is it best to just add a menu item in the navigation menu for "test-page" to display when a parent signs in, and from there they can be redirected to the forms? Right now, when I'm logged on as admin, I get the back-end editor when I select Add New. Please help me to understand how to get the desired behavior when the user selects Add New for the Children custom post type, either side-bar menu or the site navigation menu.
I'd like to know if by making the Children custom post type available on the WordPress side-bar when a user logs on, and once they select the <italic>Add New</italic> link, will they be redirected to a page where the form with the custom fields is located?
The expected behavior in the sidebar ( or top wp-admin menu, depending on screen size ) is the User will be redirected to the wp-admin post editor page for this post type, the custom fields and post content will be empty for data entry of a new Children post. Not all Users will have the ability to create new Children posts, so some will not see the "Add new" link. In the WordPress admin menu, there's not a simple way to link to a front-end Toolset Form for creating posts. Instead, you would create a custom Page on the site and place any link there to redirect to the Page containing the front-end Toolset Form.
The expected behavior in your site's main menu navigation is arbitrary and up to you. You can create links in your menus that lead anywhere you want, including to the wp-admin area, or to another page on the front-end that contains a front-end Form for creating child posts. It depends on how you set up your site navigation menus in wp-admin > Appearance > Menus or however your site's main navigation is set up.