I have a view already designed and installed on my home page. It's been working fine until yesterday. I made no changes to the view, but it suddenly stopped displaying at all in the backend (it still displays in the frontend). I'm using Gutenberg page editor. I tried to rebuild the view from scratch and it says that there are no records - which isn't true.
I took a look at the version number for Toolset Blocks and saw that my installed version is 1.3.5, but when I checked the Toolset website, I see that there is a 1.4 version. I'm not sure this is the answer to my problem, but I don't know why I'm not being prompted to download the 1.4 version of the plugin. I'd like to update the plugin to see if it resolves my issue.
I managed to grab the copy of the site and tested it locally and found that the block worked fine.
I was able to edit it without any issues at all. Currently what I see as the difference so far is our PHP version. What i'm currently running is version 7.4 of PHP so I would suggest trying to update to this version to check if this makes a difference.
Also if you can provide me with the PHP logs for the site then this would help to see if there are any errors being generated on the server related to this.
Thanks for looking into this. I'm not sure when you copied the site, but several hours ago I deleted the problem view on the page and created a new view. That seemed to work okay until I tried to filter the query by "featured" equals "1" (in other words, featured resources). That seemed to break the view. When I removed the filter, the view returned to normal and things have been working fine. I will need to add the filter back at some point, but for now I've just left it off.
I suppose this could still be a PHP issue, so I will attempt to get you the PHP logs. Any idea where I would find those?
I would recommend getting in touch with the host in order for them to let you know where the php logs are because different servers will store the logs in different places.
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