Okay, we must expand the solution to work for users with roles basic and premium, as well as administrator. In this case, you will configure the Query Filter I mentioned in my last comment to respond to a shortcode attribute like role. This will limit the terms in the View to those with the same roles-permitidos field value as the current logged-in User's role. You should also include a term filter set by the post where the View is shown. This will further limit the terms to only those associated with the current post. The combination of these Query Filters will have the effect that you desire. Content will only be displayed if one of the terms applied to the current post has the roles-permitidos field value identical to the current User's role slug. See the updated screenshot here for an example of both Query Filters you should apply to this View of taxonomy terms.
In the View's Content Selection panel, be sure to include each of the 3 taxonomies that contain the roles-permitidos field. Based on your description, this includes the world, food, and music taxonomies.
Next, in the loop editor, you should add the content you wish to display anywhere inside the wpv-items-found section. If you set the View's Limit to 1, only one result will ever be returned so you can add the content inside the wpv-loop tags. You may remove the "no items found" message if you'd like, or change it appropriately.
Next, insert this View in the post or the Content Template applied to the post type where you want to display the conditional content. You must pass the current logged-in User's role information into the Query Filter using a nested shortcode in the "role" attribute. Here is an example shortcode:
[wpv-view name="Your taxonomy term View" role="[wpv-current-user format='meta' info='role']"]
Replace Your taxonomy term View with the name or slug of the View of taxonomy terms you have created.
If you want to hide the content from all other User roles, including guests, you should add a conditional around that View shortcode to prevent content display for an edge case when the roles-permitidos term field of all applied terms is empty:
[wpv-conditional if="( '[wpv-current-user info="role"]' ne '')"]
[wpv-view name="book-taxes" role="[wpv-current-user format='meta' info='role']"]
This solution assumes:
1. A single User will only ever have one role.
2. Users with none of those three roles should see no content.