I have created a custom post type (Course) and added some custom fields.
One of the fields is a WYSIWYG editor (Field1)
I use Elementor to create single post template for Course.
I use elementor 's Post Content widget to display the post's content which is also built using elementor.
I place Field1' s content using elementor' s Text Editor and I bind the value of the Field1 using elementor' dynamic tags.
I have also used the shortcode widget ([types field='Field1'][/types] )and the same problem occurs.
So, the problem is that if I place Field1 BEFORE the Post Content widget, then Field1 is rendering the post content only and not the value set on the post's editor. This results in duplicated post content when viewing the post.
If I place Field1 AFTER the Post Content widget , then it's value is displayed as it should.
I will give it a try as soon as I can and I will let you know.
I just wanted to report the bug.
If you want you can resolve the issue.
If you leave it unresolved, I will let you know about the rollback in a few days.
Also there is another method that you can look into doing.
Try using the text editor widget for elementor but rather than loading the WYSIWYG content using the dynamic content option try using the types shortcode with the supress_filters parameter.