I am trying to: open the edit screen for hidden link
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: i get this error when Toolset Block is active, edit screen loads fin when deactivated
Toolset types and Toolset Blocks are up to date and wordpress is version 6.7.2
TypeError: Cannot read private member #e from an object whose class did not declare it
at get text (hidden link)
at get length (hidden link)
at Object.isEmpty (hidden link)
at IM (hidden link)
at jM (hidden link)
at B (hidden link)
at Z (hidden link)
at Y (hidden link)
at B (hidden link)
at Z (hidden link)
Welcome to Toolset support. I wonder if this is happening only on one page or all the pages of the website?
Also I would appreciate it if you could do the test below which is somehow opposite of the test you mentioned in the ticket description:
- IMPORTANT STEP! Create a backup of your website. Or better approach will be to test this on a copy/staging version of the website to avoid any disruption of a live website.
- Switch to the default theme such as "TwentyTwenty" by going to "WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > themes".
- Go to "WordPress Dashboard > Plugins" and deactivate all plugins except Toolset and its add-ons.
- Check if you can still recreate the issue.
- If not, re-activate your plugins one by one and check the issue each time to find out the plugin that causes the problem.
If the issue persists, please copy your website to a staging version so we can do tests without the fear of ruining a live website and set the next reply as private and provide the login information for the website copy.
Thank you for the login information. I used the link you provided to be able to login but unfortunately I got the error below:
You do not have permission to access this page. Please log in and try again.
Is there any sort of IP blocking going on your server? If so please unblock Armenia.
Also I need to know what is the exact link int he dashboard that has the problem.
exact address is
hidden link
I have switched my location to Armenia via Nord VPN and I can access the page (with error) OK and there is no IP blocking in use on the site. Currently there is no security plugin at all installed.
Thank you and sorry for the late reply due to the weekend time.
The issue seems to be happening with one of the Kadence Info Box block that you used on the page.
If you deactivate Kadence and keep the Toolset block enabled you will see it works ok.
I tried to switch some of the blocks to HTML to see what might be the problem cause and could not find a clue, but interestingly enough now the page works but a few blocks are in HTML.
I suggest that you copy the original page in a test page and deactivate Kadence to be able to access the page and from the top change the blocks to HTML and enable Kadence and check the blocks one by one to find which block has the culprit, delete the block and add it from scratch and it should work ok.