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I have created a WP archive for posts, and it is displaying two lots of paginations at the bottom. One is in style – with orange outlined buttons – and the other looks like it is coming from the theme, but I don't know how to get rid of it!
Do you have an idea what I've done wrong?
Is there any documentation that you are following?
This seems to be a case where your theme is also outputting the pagination separate from out Toolset pagination.
If this is a custom archive then their might be some theme control options on the archive settings sidebar when you go to edit your custom archive.
If this is not there then you will need to hide the additional paginations using css. For this you can provide me with a link to the page and I can let you know the css that should be added to the site.
Apologies Shane! Yes, in the end I opted for the CSS route which has simply removed the duplication. Thanks for suggesting this as a solution and please close this ticket.