I choose English but the training site I created is in Italian.
Hi, which training and/or tutorial do you refer to?
We will need the precise steps, URLs and other informations that will allow us to replicate the issue.
I suspect you came from a Tutorial referring to the Reference / Training sites?
Please outline the steps we can follow, the we can help quickly with the issue.
Hi Beda,
not sure how I got there but here's the url:
hidden link
when I set it up I choose English.
I understand.
Do you want me to ask the Admins to change the language there to English?
I think if you set up a fresh one on discover-wp-com, it should not happen again, I just tried and it was not even possible to choose a language, I think you came there from some training that sets the pages wrong.
If you set up the test page directly thru the discover-wp.com page they are English.
It would help to know where from you where directed there, I can as well ask the System and Tutorial people on Tuesday if we can somehow trace how that happened.
don't need now. thank you.