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[Resolved] Toolset with Avada broke the whole site

This support ticket is created 7 years, 4 months ago. There's a good chance that you are reading advice that it now obsolete.

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices.

Last updated by Nigel 7 years, 3 months ago.

Assisted by: Nigel.


I have Avada theme with Woocommerce and Toolset.

I have a major problem with the Toolset. I was testing with Toolset Layouts. At some point I wanted to disable the Toolset Layouts from product archives and to see the Avada layout but after disabling the Toolset Layout (by setting to what the Toolset Layouts are attached to -> to nothing), archives pages gave me 500 error.

So I disabled all Toolset plugins and again Avada layout for product archives was working.

Then I wanted to go back to Toolset layouts and was enabling all Toolset plugins, which went well until I enabled Woocommerce Views. After this all pages in my site gives 500 error...

Now I cannot login to backend and any of the pages in my site do not work. Every page gives 500 error...

What to do??



Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wpcf_getget() in /var/www/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/ WPV_Compatibility_WooCommerce->recommend_update_woocommerceviews_archive() #1 /var/www/ WPV_Compatibility_WooCommerce->register_admin_notices('') #2 /var/www/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #3 /var/www/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #4 /var/www/ do_action('init') #5 /var/www/ require_once('/var/www/modeo-...') #6 /var/www/ require_once('/var/www/modeo-...') #7 /var/www/ require_once('/var/www/modeo-...') #8 /var/www/modeo-uusi in /var/www/ on line 499


When we renamed the Views plugin folder at /wp-content/plugins/ folder, we where able to open pages again. We renamed the folder back to original and I was able to enable the plugins but now product archives pages gives fatal error.

Link to example URL:

hidden link

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_cells_of_type() on integer in /var/www/ Stack trace: #0 /var/www/ WPDD_Layouts_RenderManager->maybe_disable_views_wordpress_archives(Object(WP_Query)) #1 /var/www/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #2 /var/www/ WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #3 /var/www/ do_action_ref_array('pre_get_posts', Array) #4 /var/www/ WP_Query->get_posts() #5 /var/www/ WP_Query->query(Array) #6 /var/www/ WP->query_posts() #7 /var/www/ WP->main('') #8 /var/www/ wp() #9 /var/www/ in /var/www/ on line 885


The shop page itself show the two top product categories but when you click either of them to see sub categories pages, they give fatal error..

hidden link


I have tried to enable and disable the Woocommerce Views for Product Template File and Product Archive Template File from Toolset/Woocommerce Views but it has no effect to the problem itself...


Right, some more debugging...

If I do not have any Toolset Layout set for product listing pages at Toolset/Layouts, I get fatal error in product listing pages even thou I have set NOT to use Toolset Product Archive Template File at Toolset/WooCommerce Views.

What I have understood, if I set the Toolset Product Archive Template File -setting to NOT to use Toolset Product Archive Template File (meaning if I choose "WooCommerce Plugin Default Archive Template (doesn't display layouts)"-setting), it should use the Avada template/layout for product listing pages.

But it seems that this is not enough. If I have the above setting set to use WooCommerce Plugin Default Archive Template and not Toolset Layouts, I still have to have some Toolset Layout selected for product listing pages at Toolset/Layouts. Other wise it will give me fatal error in product listing pages...



Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español )

Timezone: Europe/London (GMT+01:00)

Hi Livo

I've set up a brand new test site with Avada and WooCommerce and the required Toolset plugins.

I have been noticing some anomalies in how things work, but no fatal errors anywhere.

Can I just check a couple of things with you.

- You make no mention to the Toolset Avada Integration plugin. Are you using it? You don't have to, you still have control of the content area of single post and archive pages, but not the entire page as you would with the integration.

- What version of Avada are you using? Please include the debug info in your next reply so I can see which plugins you have installed.



I have enabled the Avada Toolset integration plugin.

Now that I figured out that I have to have some Toolset Layout set for the product listing pages even thou I dont use Toolset layouts in product listing pages but instead use Avada template/layout for product listings pages, I do not get fatal error's in product listing pages.

Now, product listing pages show up normally using Avada template.



Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español )

Timezone: Europe/London (GMT+01:00)

Hi Livo

Thanks for the debug info, everything looks up-to-date.

I have experienced some issues myself that I am passing on to the developers, but I can't reproduce what you have described above, and if you now have this working I'm not sure I can do much more, except describe what you should expect.

The settings for the WooCommerce Views plugin let you specify whether to use the normal WooCommerce templates for products and the product archive, or whether to use the plugins own PHP templates for these, which is a requirement if you want to customise either.

If you choose the WooCommerce Views templates to be able to customise the product and shop pages then you must provide the designs to use in their place.

You can use Views Content Templates and custom WordPress Archives for this (i.e. you are not using Layouts here, just Views).

Or you can use Layouts, which means designing a layout for single products and assigning it, and designing a layout for product archives and assigning it. Assigning layouts to these will trump any assigned Content Templates or custom WordPress Archives and be used instead.

If you had a custom WordPress Archive assigned, for example, and then assigned a layout to the product archive, you should be able to un-assign this layout and it would revert to using the custom WordPress Archive. If there is no custom WordPress Archive to fall back to then you would need to change the WooCommerce Views settings to use the WooCommerce default instead.

When you install the Avada integration plugin, if you don't already have layouts created it will offer to run the wizard which will install some sample layouts for you, including layouts for WooCommerce shop and product pages using special Avada cells. You should be able to edit or un-assign such layouts much as if you had created them yourself.

So, that's what you ought to experience. If you have any specific experience that differs from the above then let me know.


Ok. Can you provide me with some kind of short explanation about the differences with Views, WordPress Archives, Content Templates and Layouts in Toolset??

This is pretty confusign...



Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español )

Timezone: Europe/London (GMT+01:00)

Hi Livo

Firstly, I had a meeting with the Layouts developers this morning to discuss the issues raised by this ticket and there is a bug which is affecting Layouts archives that occurs when layouts are unassigned which accords with the errors you reported above, and that is being worked on now and a fix should be pushed fairly soon.

That will have complicated your experience trying to get this to work and I'm sorry for that. I'm escalating this thread and I'll keep you posted when there are any updates.

I realise also that how Views Content Templates and Layouts inter-relate can also be confusing, so let me cover that briefly.

Without Toolset, your theme's template files are used to generate the pages, and WordPress uses the URL (and your permalink settings) to determine which template file should be used when, e.g. single.php to render a single post, archive.php to render a post archive.

When you add WooCommerce it intervenes in this process to force using its own templates for single products and for the product archive (the shop page). (The WooCommerce Views plugin intervenes further, by allowing you to set whether to let WooCommerce use its template files, or whether to over-rule it and use the WooCommerce Views template files instead—so that you can then design custom product pages and a custom product archive.)

When you add Views to a site your single posts and archive pages are still rendered by your theme's template files, but Views can intervene and take control of the part of the page where the content is output (the post body when viewing single posts, the list of posts on an archive page). Create and assign a Views Content Template to a post type and it will be used to display single posts of that type. Create and assign a Views custom WordPress Archive and it will be used to generate the list of posts on an archive page. Only the content part of the page is hijacked, and your theme is still responsible for the rest of the page.

Now add Layouts to the mix.

If you are using Layouts with a theme that has not been integrated with Layouts then it will work rather like Views Content Templates and custom WordPress Archives as described above, replacing only the content area of the page with the rest still generated by your theme. You have more flexibility in creating the design of the content area, which is the main reason you might choose to use Layouts over Views templates and archives in such circumstances.

Finally, there is the possibility of using Layouts integrated with your theme. In this case Layouts is able to intervene earlier in the process of rendering the page and take control of the entire page and not just the content area, so that you can design the page header and footer yourself, for example, instead of these coming from your theme, and you can create different designs to use on different pages if required.

Layouts trumps Views when it comes to intervening in page rendering, so that if you have a Views Content Template assigned to a post type and you also have a Layout assigned to that same post type, Layouts will be responsible for rendering the content.

I hope that helps clarify how the pieces fit together.



Languages: English (English ) Spanish (Español )

Timezone: Europe/London (GMT+01:00)

Hi Livo

I'm just reviewing my escalated threads and wanted to advise you that the issue with the errors you initially reported should have been fixed in the last minor update of Layouts to 2.01.

If you notice any continuing errors, please let me know, thanks.

This ticket is now closed. If you're a Toolset client and need related help, please open a new support ticket.