Hi - i'm not sure if this is a bug or not but on my website I have two different custom post types setup: Organistions and Locations. I've setup a many to one relationship - an Organisation can have many locations.
Everything was working fine until I updated Toolset Types plugin. I can see there is a toolset_associations_old table. The data in this table and the toolset_associations table is totally different.
I went in and disconnected one of locations from an Organisation. When I connected it again it added a new row into the toolset_association table. The parent_id = 6 and child_id = 7. If I look at the post id for the Organisation it is 96 and the post id for the location is 91. Shouldn't the parent_id in the toolset_association table = 96 and the child_id = 91?
Do I simply need to go into settings->troubleshooting and perform a rollback of the migration of the relationship data?
Types 3.4 includes a migration to a new structure for storing relationships. The table wp_toolset_associations is still used, but it no longer stores the IDs of the connected posts directly, the IDs you see in that table now refer to a new table wp_toolset_connected_elements which stores the post IDs of the connected posts.
Everything was working fine until I updated Toolset Types plugin
What is it that isn't working? You didn't say.
Hi Nigel,
Thanks for your reply. I was using a custom function which stopped working after the update. Now that I know the new database structure I can fix.