I am trying to: When someone selects a city from the select box, the results should pull up the list of officials. Recently, it stopped working - we think after Toolset Types/Views were updated.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen: hidden link
I expected to see: it should work like this search View - hidden link - where once a Township is selected, the results display.
Instead, I got: the Search by Officials page is throwing a javascript error in console when you select a new City.
The View on the Search by City page - I also duplicated the working Search by Township view and changed out to use the city-officials relationship and it still didn't work. The view can be directly located here: hidden link
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
First of all - After checking to debug the information you shared with us, I found that you are using outdated Toolset plugins. We always recommend running your site with the latest stable release plugin version.
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
Could you please update ALL Toolset plugins to it's latest officially released version. You can download the latest plugin release from your accounts page:
=> https://toolset.com/account/downloads/
Regarding access details you shared with us, I tried to access the wp-admin URL but as soon as I try to access it, the admin URL redirected to Microsoft login page:
=> hidden link
Can you please disable any security plugin or method so that I can access the admin area.
Thank you Minesh! I can confirm it is working as expected. I don't exactly know what you changed though to make it work. That particular page is not using the Beaver Builder builder - but just the default editor.