I've been seeing issues with WordPress getting hung up on loading synced patterns in the editor, and I've discovered the problem is this code that is in the WP block comments:
<!-- wp:heading {"level":3,"dynamicAttributes":{"toolsetDSVersion":"257000"}} -->
<h3 class="wp-block-heading" id="h-what-strawberries-are-best-for-strawberry-cake">What Strawberries Are Best for Strawberry Cake?</h3>
<!-- /wp:heading -->
When I remove that toolset 'dynamicAttributes' item, the patterns begin working again.
I'm also seeing this item being inserted into regular post markup. It's all over. Is this necessary, and if not, can you please remove it? I don't see why the Toolset plugin would be injecting this into non-Toolset blocks.
With core blocks (and blocks of some 3rd-party providers) Toolset offers the same dynamic sources as are available with Toolset blocks, which is why the attributes for dynamic attributes are added. This isn't new, and it is expected.
Do you have a specific problem with block patterns that you can describe that we can look into, with steps to reproduce the problem?
I manually removed that code from the reusable blocks in order to fix the issue on my production sites, so I don't have an example right now... But I just now tried to recreate the issue by creating a new synced block, and Toolset is not adding that 'toolsetDSVersion' code now, so I'm confused. If it's 'expected behavior', shouldn't that mean that new blocks would attribute being added by Toolset? Why would I not see it for new blocks?
When I first ran into this problem last week, I tried multiple troubleshooting steps to figure out the issue; I deactivated plugins, I tried a different theme, etc. Nothing worked until I tried deleting the ' {"dynamicAttributes":{"toolsetDSVersion":"257000"}}' code.
Thank you for the update and for trying to recreate the issue. It’s possible that the behavior you're observing is linked to a specific set of circumstances, like environment, or set of plugis/theme, it needs some double-checking.
The dynamic attribute {"toolsetDSVersion":"257000"} is indeed added by Toolset to allow dynamic sources in core blocks and some third-party blocks. However, this should only occur when Toolset’s dynamic content features are used within those blocks.
To help us investigate further, if you notice this issue happening again, could you please document the steps or provide a copy of the block content that’s causing the problem? This would allow us to dig deeper into why this dynamic attribute is affecting your block patterns.
If you could create a staging environment, or give us temporary access to the site so that we can create a local copy of it to work on this issue, it'd be very helpful.