Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
I expected to see:
The website loading normally
Instead, I got:
HTTP 504 and it looks like it's related to the toolset plugin. I need the plugin because I design the website with toolset but now I can only access the website without the plugin activated.
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Are you using the Toolset Framework Installer plugin? If yes, could you please deactivate for now and check if that helps you to resolve this issue.
Few other users as well reported such issue and when they deactivate the Framework Installer plugin, the site is back to work. Could you please confirm that it's the same case with you as well.
Toolset Framework Installer was the cause. I didn't have time to see your answer and had to find a developer to make the website live back again after 24h down. I recommend you guys fix this plugin urgently because many users will lose money due to it. I was mad with Toolset.