I just updated my Toolset Types to 3.0, but after the update, Toolset Dashboard showed 500 Error.
I checked the error.log, the error message is "Interface 'Types_Interface_Template' not found in /var/www/html/SITE_NAME/wp-content/plugins/types/application/models/helper/twig.php on line 8"
When I tried to get Toolset Debug info, it showed error 500, too. The error message in error.log is "Uncaught Error: Class 'Types_Page_Extension_M2m_Migration_Dialog' not found in /var/www/html/SITE_NAME/wp-content/plugins/types/application/controllers/page/extension/settings.php:33\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/html/SITE_NAME/wp-content/plugins/types/application/controllers/admin.php(74): Types_Page_Extension_Settings->build()\n#1 /var/www/html/SITE_NAME/wp-includes/plugin.php(524): Types_Admin->init_settings('')\n#2 /var/www/html/SITE_NAME/wp-admin/admin.php(212): do_action('load-toolset_pa...')\n#3 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/html/SITE_NAME/wp-content/plugins/types/application/controllers/page/extension/settings.php on line 33, referer: hidden link"
We are trying to expedite issues arising from the Types 3.0 update as quickly as possible, and the quickest thing would be if I could site credentials and take a look at your setup myself, possibly taking a copy of your site to pass on to our developers for testing, if that's okay.
I'll mark your next reply as private to get credentials from you.
Can you confirm what you were updating from? Types 2.3 or one of the Types 3.0 betas?
I installed a copy of the site locally using Duplicator.
I initially started with no plugins activated (which required me to change the theme which was then producing a fatal error).
I activated Types 3.0 and couldn't see any issues.
I activated the remaining plugins and still saw no issues.
I activated your custom theme and saw no issues (aside from some deprecation or cache-related notices in the debug.log).
So I couldn't reproduce the error when moving server. The only difference between my copy and the original was that I replaced your custom wp-config.php file with a simple one.
Could you copy your site to another server, a staging server or a local install, and see if you can reproduce the error?
Let me know what you find and I'll see how to proceed.
I deactivated Toolset Types for few days because of this problem. And I turn it on today, it works fine now... It's weird, I didn't change anything about it, and I re-activated the plugin before, it didn't work at that time. The only thing I did is removing a Custom Roles, but I don't know they are related or not. Thanks very much for your support.