Not a problem at all - can you please make the next message private/encrypted? That way, we can share a direct Dropbox or Drive link to our screen recording.
Here's the shared drive file with the recording of how I'm trying to use Toolset Blocks to create a view within a new content template to display search results with a map. The map and markers are loading fine on the front-end, but the search results (images) aren't displaying with the map on front-end.
I'm till checking on this for you but i'm trying to figure why the Views created with Blocks are showing up blank on your frontend.
Have you noticed this issue?
Could you check the php logs for your site and let me know if there are any errors in there that are related to our Blocks plugin as the view should show up with no issue at all.
I would possibly need to escalate this so that our 2nd tier team can have a look at it.
There seems to be an issue with your server because I have your exact site and the issue isn't there on my local server.
Views created in Blocks open fine on the frontend.
Does your current host have multiple versions of PHP installed? If so please try cycling between the versions that they have to see if it starts showing up. You can use my test page here hidden link
Once you've done this please let me know and we can go from there. Currently for your view to show up you will need to create in the classic editor.
Also you should still be able to get the column setup with the classic editor. If you want to try this method please let me know and we can look at a solution from that end.
So, I cycled through the different versions. All they way down to 5.6, and the issue is still occurring. The Classic Views method does work, but it's just nice to use the Blocks Editor, and I want to make sure you guys have all the information you need to fix this issue for others. The PHP error is still showing up, as I said.
If you need to escalate to Tier 2 that would be fine.
Thanks so much for your help. I greatly appreciate it!
I tried to check on the site again for you to see if I could look at a few more items but it seems you've downgraded the user from an admin role.
Could you please keep it at admin until the ticket has been resolved. As mentioned this is a server issue and resolving server issues are out of the scope of our support forum.
However I would like to exhaust all other possibilities.