I'm trying to use Toolset blocks for new pages, however I found that at one of our sites, the View option is missing via Toolset menu, and when I tried to create new page, add blocks, I didn't find any blocks (like View) provided by Toolset.
I've added this site into our Toolset registry list but what am I missing?
Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.
Have you installed and activated the Toolset Blocks plugin? If yes, you can see the view menu only when you set the setting to use either both blocks and legacy version.
If you do not able to use block yet then there must be some conflict with the third party plugins you are using. But first can you please check if you able to see the view block once Toolset Block plugin is installed and activated.
I set the setting to use either both blocks and legacy version, this way I can see the View option under Toolset. However if I added new page, there is still no block for me to add. Any idea?
Your page interface looks different than normal block page interface.
In order to minimize the cause of the issue as well as to ensure there in no plugin or theme conflict?
*** Please make a FULL BACKUP of your database and website.***
Could you please try to resolve your issue by deactivating all third-party plugins as well as with the default theme to check for any possible conflicts with any of the plugins or themes?
- Do you see any difference?
As you can see with the screenshot you shared, the Editor option is set to Blocks.
This means there must be some conflict, what if you check with any other site or setup a test site, do you see the same issue? (I do not experience this issue with my test site.).
If this issue is specific to your site then to debug the issue further you will have to follow the basic debug steps by deactivating the non-Toolset plugins as well as switch to the default theme.
If you do not able to run the basic debug steps on your production, then you should setup a staging site based on your current production site.