I'm using the Toolset Access Plugin to manage access to Custom Post Types on the WordPress dashboard.
My Custom Post Types are 'Web Tenders' and 'RFQs < R30,000'
I created a custom role 'Buyer' to access the Custom Post Types.
If a user assigned Custom Role 'Buyer' logins and has not published anything yet, they can view all posts from other users. (which is ideally what I want to happen).
See Screenshot before publishing own post; hidden link
However, the moment they create their own post on any of thePost Types are 'Web Tenders' and 'RFQs < R30,000'
they can only view what they published and not what the other users have published and that's my problem.
See Screenshot after publishing own post; hidden link
I understand what you want to achieve, however the rules in our access plugin are general rules, so even if the user has no posts. If the rule is set to view only their own post then even if other users create posts they will only be able to see their own.
If you would want something like what you are describing it will need to be done using custom coding. For custom coding I would recommend contacting one of the contractors that are registered on our site https://toolset.com/contractors/
Custom coding like this is out of the scope of our support forum.
So before creating a post a can view what everyone has posted and when I create my own post I can't view what I was already able to see. & then you suggest I pay more to have your plugin do what it should already be doing. I think that's a rip-off.
I want the user to see all posts regardless of whether they have created their own post or not. Currently what's happening is once they start creating their own posts, by default they begin see only the posts they have created.
This ticket has been escalated to our 2nd tier supporters for further clarification on this. As both of us are of the same idea on how this setting should work.
Sorry for the delay in responding here as the queue has been quite busy.
I've got some clarity on this issue from our 2nd tier supporters. This is functioning exactly as it is intended, because you have the "Edit Any" permissions disabled.
Its actually a wordpress default functionality to redirect a user to only the posts they can edit. If the user wants to view the other posts all they need to do is to click on the all option.
The only other way that I know of for users to be able to default seeing the entire list is by having the edit any permissions active.
Please let me know if this clarifies the issue for you or if you have any concerns that you are not sure of.
By default the WordPress 'Author Role' allows you to 'View Any' and not 'Edit Any' which is exactly what this user role should do. & we do not not what the user role to 'Edit Any' , users should only edit their own posts BUT View all published posts by default without having to filter , which in our case is being handled by a 3rd Party Plugin.
However does the user author role when you disable the edit any permissions for this post type, Doe it allow the user to default to the entire list after they have created their own posts?
Or does it default to the entire list.
Please let me know the results of this test. If the behaviour is different then it could be something for us to look at.