I took a look at the link you sent me but its saying that there aren't any properties assigned to this Category.
It is strange, I see all category pages, and in all pages there saren't any properties... this is a big issue....
I can see the proprierties only in the home page....
Other issue that I have is in the slider view, in the first slider page I have 4 properties, in the second page 3 properties, in the third only 1 property...
I have changed the shortcode, and I need to display only the Category name or Archive name, without the "[custom taxonomy]:"
I checked on this for you and I see what the issue is.
The archive search was done incorrectly.
You added the search view to the archive template itself however you have the option to create the custom search itself on the archive without copying the view because the custom archives have a search option as well.
This functions the same as the post views so you just need to replicate the steps you did there.
Hi Shane,
I do that, but there are also no resuts, and at the bottom in the page archives appear another custom search form, not formatted...
What is the issue now?
Hi, in attachment you can see the 2 screenshot about the slider and 1 screenshot about the category page.
For the category and archive pages, if I do the login in the site, I can see the properties normally, but at the botton there are the "next and previous" pagination link, and if click on pagination in the custom search results, the second or other page is not displayed. It return me the no results message. But if I click the next or previous pagination link at the bottom of the page, I can see the correct results
I have deactivated the access plugin, and now I can see the correct properties list. Go to this link to see the pagination issue of results and at the page bottom: hidden link
The good news is that if you don't use the AJAX pagination it works fine. The bad news is that I see with the ajax pagination some filters are being applied which is what I suspect is causing this issue.
Take a look at the screenshots for the 2 fields that are being applied. What I did was to add an empty default value so that nothing gets applied when the pagination is applied.
Hi, in custom search I think that the placeholder don't work with type "select" and source "custom".
So, now the pagination work fine, but if I try to do a search by the price, the results are all properties and not the properties in the price range...
Other, the featured slider that I have created don't work fine. Now there are 4 pages and the fourth slide page don't have elements inside.
I need the ajax pagination to have a modern and dynamic site. If for any pagination results or slide pagination the site regenerating the page is older and not functionality.
I edited the price filter now, and I see that it not was setted in "between" but "=", so before I have setted it to "between".
Now I have setted it to "between" and it work fine and there are the placeholder "--" in price and mq filters.
The slider have a big issue that I don't have a solution because I don't know what generating the issue.
For the Custom Search, if I want to display a selection box to waiting the results when I submit a search same as now there is when I paginating the search results, what should I do?
Into the slider loop I have used a conditional logic to display the featured properties.
So, now in the slider are yes displayed the featured properties, but for not featured properties display a blanc space...
What should I do to not display the blanc space and display only the featured properties?
About the slider, in the slider need to appear the featured properties. To make a property featured, I have create a custom field that is a chekbox.
So, in the loop of toolset view I have used the conditional logic to display only the properties that are featured. But for all not featured properties it return a blanc space...
So, now I'm trying to set a query and the value is: Custom Field "in_evidenza" is boolean equal to constant 1, but it return me "no results".
What is the right solution fo this issue?
Let us try to focus on one issue at a time because i'm not able to respond efficiently with so much issues at once.
So the search has been resolved correct and it now works as intended ?
For the featured slider, you've created the checkbox to mark items as featured. For this checkbox what a was the value on the custom field set as when it is checked. You will need to do a filter for that checked value.
Also could you let me know which view slider we are currently referring to.