WP-VIEW infinite-scroll does not work for me so good, how I need. Therefore I want to Integrate Toolset Start Child Theme and WP-VIEW with Jetpack infinite-scroll.
I checked in WP-VIEW "no Pagination" and added Theme Support for Jetpack Infinite-Scroll:
function toolset_starter_child_integration () {
add_theme_support( 'infinite-scroll', array(
'container' => 'content',
'footer' => 'footer',
) );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'toolset_starter_child_integration' );
WP-VIEW Loop Wrapper-Div ID is "content" and Footer-wrapper ID: "footer".
But Infinite-Scroll does not work.
What can I do, that Toolset Start Child Theme and Jetpack Infinite-Scroll work together well?
I'm not sure that this is possible, because Views is not designed to be paginated by any other system except Views. I will reach out to my 2nd tier support team to see if they know any methods to make these two work together, and I will update you here with any information they are able to provide. In the meantime, if you can explain how Views Infinite Scrolling is not working well for you, I can see if there's any way to resolve the issue in Views.
https://toolset.com/forums/topic/while-or-after-infinite-scroll-my-own-javascript-function-does-not-work-more/ – Here ist my ticket about WP-VIEW infinite-scroll Issue. You can see there all posts and I think, you can know, where the Issue is. I have unfortunately not got a solution. Only a suggestion, that I can use some alternative Infinite-Scroll Plugins.
Which alternative Infinite-Scroll plugins can work with WP-VIEW s very well? For me is most Important, that this hier https://toolset.com/forums/topic/while-or-after-infinite-scroll-my-own-javascript-function-does-not-work-more/ works. Also Infinite-Scroll must be fast.
Unfortunately I do not have a definite solution for you, because:
- Your custom code and our infinite scroll systems are incompatible
- Views is not designed to work with 3rd party infinite scrolling plugins out of the box, and any integration would require a level of custom code support that we do not provide here in the forums
From our lead developer:
Our infinite scrolling effect dos not simply append the new results to the list of existing results, because sometimes they belong to a same structure that does not allow such a thing. Imagine that your View loop is rendered as a list, or as an unformatted loop: there is no possible ay of knowing where the "old" list ends to append the new set of results. Because of that, what we do is take the new items, which we do know where they start and end, take the old results, merge them all together, and replace the existing loop.
Because of that, the DOM element changes entirely.
Now, this sliding panel effect loads data contained inside the loop, over nn interaction happening on an item inside the loop, and the DOM visual placement also depends on elements (javascript objects) inside that loop. If you happen to trigger it just when the infinite scrolling effect was called, there are chances that you will try to load data that did exist when you interacted with an element, but that element will no longer exist and the DOM element used to position your panel will also be gone. Hence your panel looks stuck: it has no "hooking" point to be attached to, nor can be dismissed properly.
Any custom code required to create some type of compatibility layer between our two systems is up to you. What we can offer is the ability to extend our code with "hooks" so that you can call your own custom functionality at different points in the infinite scrolling lifecycle. These would be handled as feature requests - improvements to our software. We won't be updating our code to support a specific custom scenario, but we may update our code to allow you to do more within our framework by exposing event hooks and callback entry points. So if you're able to made modifications to your code that can hook in to a specific event in our system that is not currently provided, we may be able to provide that callback hook for you.
If you're able to recommend event hooks that would enable better integration with your custom code, please provide those along with a description of the required parameters, and we will consider them as feature requests.