When I use a WYSIWYG custom field, if I switch the editor to html mode and then back to visual mode, the editor removes attributes like itemscope/itemtype/itemprop.
I had the same problem with WordPress and the problem is corrected by using the following plugin: hidden link
But even with this plugin, it doesn't work on WYSIWYG custom fields generated with Tooset.
Could you tell me how to do it ? (maybe you can look at the code of this plugin to tell me how to use it on Toolset?)
I use Toolset Views 3.6.3 and Toolset Types 3.4.16. Attached the debug information.
I don't think this is a bug (because the problem was too with the default editor on WordPress and that's why we need an additionnal plugin). The logic is to add this feature (no clean up html entities) on this custom field.