I am trying to: I made a post lay-out in a staging enviroment and everything worked fine. I updates to the last versions of your toolset plugins the lay-out does not load anymore.
Link to a page where the issue can be seen:
Broken page:
hidden link
I expected to see:
Page as it should look like:
hidden link
Instead, I got:
hidden link
I see the difference of the pages, however, there is no known bug that should provoke such a change in the layout.
What I can tell is that you do not use Toolset Layouts, but instead, WPBakery Page Builder, likely applied on Content Templates.
So probably this issue is either related to the 3rd party Plugin or eventually conflict between both.
Note that WPBakery Page Builder and Toolset are not 100% compatible, if not used precisely as instructed:
It's however interesting you mention that this happens since the update, so it should be easy to narrow down what happened and fix it if you can show me both Posts you shared in the backend, and the Content Template applied to it.
I can then check (on the live site) what is wrong, and suggest a fix
I see the issue but to me, it seems rather that all posts apply the right template, the one you state to be "correct" instead applies a template that maybe is coming from the cached version.
I also see that several instances on the template (HTML and CSS) are applied twice and more, which seems to destroy the layout.
This might as well be due to repeated saving, in cached mode, or some cached version is kept even if you save a new over it.
The worrying is you state this happens after our updates, so the only way here is to grab a copy, revert to the previous Toolset and confirm the issue is solved.
If so, it will be simple for us to narrow the bug down and fix it.
If then the issue still happens it would mean cache or any other plugin (theme could also be) interferes here.
I can do such tests locally if you send me a copy of this site.