the problem was born when I decided to change the taxonomies, the fields of the article and the name of the types of posts.
in practice my site was finished but in Italian, I changed all the words from Italian to English by hand.
I modified the article fields, the taxonomies and modified the CRED, Layout and View modules.
The modules CRED and Layout are ok, the problem is in the search for View
I've created a new index in Relevanssi
Unfortunately, the search does not work in View and I do not understand why. I miss solving this problem.
I do not understand what I have to do.
I created 3 posts with different taxonomies, as you can see the result is always the same: hidden link
thank you
the problem was in the name of the plural taxonomies: CREATURE'S - I wrote CREATURE and everything works!
no apostrophes or accents
very well