I already opened a similar thread / email in the past.
I am using IIS
All tootlset plugins used are up to date (Views, Types, Layouts)
There are a lot of tmp files of 0kb generated in my wp-content folder,
I reach WPML because I saw a similar issue, even if i am NOT using WPML (I can see it in the Commercial Plugin Tab, because you are the same company?)
I don't know what to do,
I enabled debug on our dev website, I will check what the logs says.
I already check the PHP error logs, and nothing.
Thanks for your help.
Hi, let's try these troubleshooting steps first:
- Deactivate all Toolset plugins temporarily and activate a default theme like Twenty Seventeen.
- Delete all the tmp files
- Navigate through the front-end of the site and visit several different pages and posts.
- Navigate through different pages of wp-admin. Edit your profile and some posts.
- Upload some new media files to the library
- Publish a post
- Check the wp-content directory again to see if any new tmp files were created after disabling Toolset.
- If not, reactivate Types only and go through the same test steps again, including publishing custom post types and setting custom field values (especially any media uploads). Check for new tmp files.
- If not, reactivate Views, then Layouts and perform the same test steps again.
- If still no tmp files, activate your theme and go through the same steps again.
Please let me know what you find out and we can go from there.